Diagnostics Study on Integration of African Regional Markets

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Diagnostics Study on Integration of African Regional Markets

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The diagnostic study on the integration of markets in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in pan-African regional markets will focus on specific value chains where there are trade links between North Africa and selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), including identifying main trade players, needs and obstacles to trade and investment.

The project will be implemented by the Agribusiness Advisory team of the EBRD under EU-funded Trade and Competitiveness Programme (the “Programme”) which aims at enhancing competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) in the Industry, Commerce and Agribusiness sector (“ICA”, corporate sector) in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region (“SEMED”).

Project Details

The objective of the project is to enhance global value chain competitiveness of SMEs in the Industry, Commerce and Agribusiness sectors, with a focus on the private sector, in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia through promising regional trade and investments with targeted SSA countries.

As per findings of the diagnostic study s, targeted technical assistance can be provided to private sector companies, especially SMEs that are exporting in the identified markets and value chains. Some of the priority areas for skills transfer are, for example, market access requirements, environmental sustainability, export promotion and safety and quality standards.

Anticipated Impact

The project will provide capacity training to private sector companies, especially SMEs in key topics that would facilitate trade and market access based on the assessment’s findings. The project anticipates the following series of trade facilitation and capacity building activities:

  • At least one capacity building training session (digital or in-person) on market access requirements for selected market segments in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia respectively for at least 100 private sector stakeholders (SMEs, associations, etc.)
  • Enhance trade facilitation activities by creating /strengthening existing linkages for companies with local and regional business associations to support companies integrate in regional value chains between the North African and SSA countries.
Support/Partnership Required

During the implementation of the project, relevant stakeholders such as private and public stakeholders as well as private sector associations will be included in the capacity building and trade facilitation activities.

Additionally, coordination with partners such as other MDBs and IFIs present in the targeted regions will be maintained in order to ensure efficient implementation of the project.