Core & Associate Members

As an inclusive body, the AforE offers two types of membership, Core and Associate.

Core members are signatories to the Alliance working arrangement and are responsible for the initiative’s fundamental governance, strategy and administration. Associate members endorse the Alliance’s principles, form the initiative’s innovative layer, contribute products that address market failures, and actively support project development and implementation.


  • Signatory of the Working Arrangement
  • Registered as a multilateral, regional or bilateral development institution, a bilateral donor, an association of bilateral development finance institutions, or an African Development bank
  • Set the guiding principles and the operating rules of the Alliance in terms of governance, selection and labelling of projects, integrity and compliance
  • Set strategic orientations in terms of instruments to be deployed and sectors, countries and client groups to be targeted in priority
  • Actively contribute to project origination and structuring process of the Alliance by providing financial support technical expertise, human capital or other relevant resources
  • Contribute financial resources to the operational activities of the Alliance
  • Promote the activities and principles of the Alliance when appropriate


  • Endorse the principles, objectives and scope of the Alliance, as reflected in the Working Agreement (e.g. via exchange of letters)
  • Registered as a multilateral, regional or bilateral development institution, a bilateral donor, an association of bilateral development finance institutions, an African development bank, a banking or non-banking financial institution, a business network association, a philanthropic foundation, an international development fund or any public or private sector organisation with a proven track record in the area of the private sector development in Africa (in particular in supporting the development of SMEs)
  • Actively contribute, on a case-by-case basis, to the project origination, development and implementation, by providing financial support and technical expertise, as well as human capital or other relevant resources
  • Contribute to design innovative products that address market failures, based on knowledge and lessons learned on the ground shared with other members of the Alliance
  • Promote the activities and principles of the Alliance when appropriate

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We welcome inquiries to learn more about joining AforE. We are inclusive and seeking to expand our membership with organizations that can complement our efforts to improve the entrepreneurship environment and sustainable MSME growth in Africa.

Read more about our members

* Indicates required field